Crisis-Proof Your Investment Portfolio

Discover critical raw materials as an alternative investment.

Order your free digital info pack now.

Become a Link in the Supply Chain.

As a buyer at TRADIUM Privat, you become a part of the supply chain. You buy metals that TRADIUM acquires from producers around the world. Upon liquidation, your physical assets can be sold to buyers in the industry.

You buy the highest quality directly from the industry supplier.

A New Asset Class

Strategic metals are actual physical assets. You buy and own physical commodities that are stored and processed by a range of industries after liquidation .

The commodities are not traded on the stock exchange. The price results solely from supply and demand. This way you avoid opaque share pacts, artificially inflated investment funds or risky mining shares.


Grafik Gewinnzuwachs 2017-2022

The purchase is easier than you think. We explain the process in our video:

Depending on the country varying tax regulations may apply.

Grafik Gewinnzuwachs 2017-2022

Who is TRADIUM GmbH?

TRADIUM GmbH is an owner-managed raw materials supplier based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Since 1999, TRADIUM has successfully supplied international customers from industry and trade. Since 2010, the company has offered private customers the opportunity to buy selected commodities, beyond the usual precious metals such as gold and silver, as alternative investments.

Profit From Our Expert Knowledge

If you want to dispose of your physical assets, it is important to be informed about the industry standards. Rare earths, technology metals and platinum group metals are valuable because they are in high demand in industry. TRADIUM only sells commodities as alternative investments that meet the specifications required for further use in high technology applications.

Physical Asset Gallium

Crisis-Proof Diversification and Professional Storage.

In collaboration with our sister company METLOCK GmbH, TRADIUM GmbH’s TRADIUM Private service offers you expertise and quality service at every step of your purchase and ownership of strategic metals as assets.

germanium barren

Order your info pack here:

Crisis-proof diversification.

We would be happy to explain to you personally why rare earths, technology metals, and platinum group metals can be intelligent physical assets for diversifying your portfolio.

Maximilian Vogler

Customer Management

Philipp Götzl-Mamba

Customer Management

TRADIUM GmbH | Gerauer Straße 18 | 60528 Frankfurt am Main | Germany
from 01.01.2024: Kennedyallee 123 | 60596 Frankfurt am Main

Tel: +49 (0)69 50 50 250-262
VAT Nº: DE 812 786 751

TRADIUM GmbH has been supplying rare earths, precious and technology metals, granulates and oxides, to industry and trade since 1999. ISO 9001 certification since 2003.

Kundenbewertungen & Erfahrungen zu TRADIUM Privat. Mehr Infos anzeigen.
Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu TRADIUM Privat

TRADIUM GmbH | Gerauer Straße 18 | 60528 Frankfurt am Main | +49 (0)69 50 50 250-262 I
VAT Nº: DE812786751 

from 01.01.2024: Kennedyallee 123 | 60596 Frankfurt am Main

TRADIUM GmbH has been supplying rare earths, precious and technology metals, granulates and oxides, to industry and trade since 1999. ISO 9001 certification since 2003.